Topical Discussion Meeting - Characterizing the Earth’s ionosphere: recent advances and challenges
Anna Belehaki (National Observatory of Athens, Greece); Ioanna Tsagouri ((National Observatory of Athens, Greece); Hanna Rothkaehl (SRC/PAS, Poland); Viviane Pierrard (BISA, Belgium)
Tuesday 6/11, 14:00-15:15 MTC 00.10, Large lecture room
The properties of the ionosphere inherently influence the performance of critical infrastructures which rely on RF waves traversing the region. While there is a significant progress to nowcast and forecast for few hours in advance large scale positive and negative effects triggered by space weather disturbances, new updated users’ requirements put additional challenges to fully characterize the ionosphere. Advanced modeling techniques are required not only to significantly improve the forecasting window, but also to enhance the spatial resolution, putting emphasis in the forecast of ionospheric irregularities.
The aim of this TDM is to discuss a roadmap of actions that will allow the achievement of this ambitious goal. We invite short contributions that can enlighten important aspects such as, plans and requirements for advanced modeling capabilities (empirical, data assimilation, ensemble of models), challenges for organizing the validation of forecasting models, requirements for additional space-based and ground observing facilities and for the coordinated operation of existing ones, requirements for data access, standardization and quality assurance.