Submitted on 2021-01-26
On 22 January, a bright fireball illuminated the morning skies of the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the north of France. BRAMS stations did not capture the radio signal of this fireball due to a particular set of circumstances.
Submitted on 2021-01-19
As seen from Earth, old sunspot group NOAA 2786 has started its third transit of the solar disk.
Submitted on 2021-01-11
A poster with imagery by the PROBA2/SWAP instrument showing the evolution of the Sun's corona in 2020 has been released.
Submitted on 2021-01-04
Based on the sunspot activity of the last few months, Solar Cycle 25 seems to be on a slightly faster track than the previous solar cycle.
Submitted on 2020-12-08
Small active region NOAA 2790 produced a long duration C7 flare and was associated with an earth-directed full halo coronal mass ejection. UPDATE: As predicted, the CME arrived at Earth early on 10 December but it did not produce significant geomagnetic activity.
Submitted on 2020-12-07
On 5 and 6 December, a triplet of nearly identical C-class flares took place in active region NOAA 2790.
Submitted on 2020-12-02
SOHO, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, is celebrating a quarter of a century of impressive solar observations and scientific discoveries.
Submitted on 2020-12-01
Young solar cycle 25 (SC25) gave spaceweather forecasters a good run for their money last week, reaching numerous milestones in its still early career.
Submitted on 2020-11-23
Two active regions are rotating over the southeast solar limb, and the second group contains a really big sunspot.
Submitted on 2020-11-17
On 11 November, a fairly simple sunspot region produced a long duration C-class flare. This was already the third sunspot region observed in November, and an indication that the new solar cycle 25 (SC25) is quickly gaining in strength.
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