
New milestones reached by young SC25

Young solar cycle 25 (SC25) gave spaceweather forecasters a good run for their money last week, reaching numerous milestones in its still early career.

Big brother

Two active regions are rotating over the southeast solar limb, and the second group contains a really big sunspot.

SC25 ramping up!

On 11 November, a fairly simple sunspot region produced a long duration C-class flare. This was already the third sunspot region observed in November, and an indication that the new solar cycle 25 (SC25) is quickly gaining in strength.

NOAA 2781 showing off

NOAA 2781 has become the largest sunspot group so far this solar cycle. It produced numerous C-class flares and drove the solar radio flux to its highest levels this year.

In the company of sunspots

Last week, solar observers were treated on no less than 2 relatively complex sunspot regions. Each group produced a number of C-class flares before starting a gradual decay.

Prominence eruption

A relatively large and complex prominence eruption took place at the Sun's northeast limb on 23 October. The associated CME does not seem to have an earth-directed component.

Tiny... yet satisfying

Two C-class flares occurred near the southwest solar limb on 16 October. Though small, they showed some interesting features, and the associated radio disturbances were also observed by the radioastronomy station in Humain.

Ten years of JSWSC

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) is celebrating its 10th anniversary as an open access scientific journal.

Neutron counts are maxing!

As we transit through the ongoing solar cycle minimum, the cosmic rays counts are at or very near their maximum value posing elevated technological and radiation risks to satellites and aviation.

A moderate geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic activity reached moderate storming conditions on 27 September. This is the strongest geomagnetic storm of 2020 so far. Aside aurora at high latitudes, the number of energetic electrons increased to high levels and depressions in HF radio frequencies above Europe has been observed.



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