
Return of the King!

Returning old active region NOAA 3664 produced an X2.8 flare on 27 May. Updates on further activity from this region will be posted here. ***UPDATED (8)***

When the dust has settled...

Flare productivity from NOAA 13664 and the extreme geomagnetic storm on 10-11 May rank amongst the most impressive in the space weather domain. A perspective.

The King is dead, long live the King?

While NOAA 3664 has rounded the Sun's west limb, a new X-class flare producing active region has shown up near the Sun's east limb.

Sunspots and aurora

While many witnessed last weekend's polar lights, the aurora do not always require very high sunspot numbers.

Extremely severe geomagnetic storm!

As expected, the first in a series of CMEs has arrived and unleashed its full power, resulting in an extremely severe geomagnetic storm. Further severe storming this weekend is possible. ***UPDATED (4)***

X-class festival continues!

The high solar flare activity continues as NOAA 3664 has produced the strongest solar flare (X8.7) so far this solar cycle. ***UPDATED (10)***

The show continues!...

NOAA 3663 produced its 4th and -so far- strongest X-class flare on 6 May.

X-class flares!

Active region NOAA 3663 produced an X1.6 flare early on 3 May. Further M-class flaring can be expected from this sunspot group, with a chance on another X-class flare. ***UPDATED (2)***

Spot the moss, spicules, and coronal rain

The EUI instrument onboard Solar Orbiter observed the solar corona in exquisite detail once more.

Intense geomagnetic storms during SC25

An overview of the more potent geomagnetic storms that have occurred so far this solar cycle (SC25).



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