Submitted on 2024-05-27
Returning old active region NOAA 3664 produced an X2.8 flare on 27 May. Updates on further activity from this region will be posted here. ***UPDATED (8)***
Submitted on 2024-05-21
Flare productivity from NOAA 13664 and the extreme geomagnetic storm on 10-11 May rank amongst the most impressive in the space weather domain. A perspective.
Submitted on 2024-05-15
While NOAA 3664 has rounded the Sun's west limb, a new X-class flare producing active region has shown up near the Sun's east limb.
Submitted on 2024-05-15
While many witnessed last weekend's polar lights, the aurora do not always require very high sunspot numbers.
Submitted on 2024-05-10
As expected, the first in a series of CMEs has arrived and unleashed its full power, resulting in an extremely severe geomagnetic storm. Further severe storming this weekend is possible. ***UPDATED (4)***
Submitted on 2024-05-08
The high solar flare activity continues as NOAA 3664 has produced the strongest solar flare (X8.7) so far this solar cycle. ***UPDATED (10)***
Submitted on 2024-05-06
NOAA 3663 produced its 4th and -so far- strongest X-class flare on 6 May.
Submitted on 2024-05-03
Active region NOAA 3663 produced an X1.6 flare early on 3 May. Further M-class flaring can be expected from this sunspot group, with a chance on another X-class flare. ***UPDATED (2)***
Submitted on 2024-05-03
The EUI instrument onboard Solar Orbiter observed the solar corona in exquisite detail once more.
Submitted on 2024-04-29
An overview of the more potent geomagnetic storms that have occurred so far this solar cycle (SC25).
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