
High sunspot numbers

Preliminary sunspot numbers during last week were the highest in 22 years.

X1 flare in NOAA 3738

NOAA 3738 produced an X1.2 flare on 14 July 2024. ***UPDATED (2)***

The STCE in 2022

The STCE Annual Report 2022 is now available at

An X12 flare on the Sun's farside

On 20 May, instruments on board Solar Orbiter observed what was most likely the strongest solar flare so far during SC25.

Impressive eruption

An impressive eruption took place over the Sun's southwest limb on 24 June.

Topical Issue "Severe SWx events of May 2024 and their impacts"

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) opens a Topical Issue "Severe space weather events of May 2024 and their impacts".


The fairly recent Hpo geomagnetic index deals with the two major shortcomings of the Kp index.

Topical Issue “Swarm 10-Year Anniversary”

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) opens the Topical Issue “Swarm 10-Year Anniversary”, dedicated to new results from ESA’s Swarm mission, in particular to investigations of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, Ionospheric and Thermospheric processes, and their implications for Space Weather.

SC25 update

The STCE's SC25 Tracking page has been updated to reflect the latest evolution of some critical space weather parameters for the ongoing solar cycle 25 (SC25).

GNSS impacts from the 10-11 May extreme storm

Important ionospheric effects over Europe have been observed during the extreme geomagnetic storm of 10 and 11 May.



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