Plenary - Space Weather Impacts on Aviation
Daniel Matthiae - Emilien Robert
Wednesday 20/11, 09:00 - 10:30 and 11:00 - 12:30
Space Weather affects aviation in different ways. Solar X-ray or particle induced disturbances in the ionosphere
can cause disruptions or even loss of HF communications and position errors in airborne navigation systems.
Furthermore, high energetic solar particles can significantly increase the radiation exposure at aviation altitudes
and might also affect avionics. An extreme Space Weather event would bring about widespread public concern and the
necessity to assess the corresponding doses received. This session addresses the scientific background of the effects
as well as societal and operational aspects of Space Weather for aviation. Contributions on all these topics are requested.
Oral contributions
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Space Weather Impact on Aviation
Robert, Emilien; Sivcev, Zarko; Hart, Dennis
Space weather can severely impact the earth infrastructure. As
shown in the past, solar events are capable of damaging space vehicles,
causing large power and communication grid failures, and degrading
communications, navigation and surveillance systems. In addition to
this, solar events can cause radiation levels being higher than usual
which may lead to an excessive radiation dose for air travellers and
crew but also may cause on board system failures. As a consequence, an
extreme solar event would potentially impact European Air Traffic.
EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air
Navigation, has launched different projects in order to better assess
the risk and define proportionate mitigations.
First, EUROCONTROL launched a project in 2009 to
further assess the space weather impact on GNSS-based aviation
operations. Indeed, aviation operations, including navigation and
surveillance, rely more and more on GNSS services. GNSS performances
under nominal ionosphere condition are already well known. However,
before increasing reliance on these GNSS-based operations, the aviation
community has to better assess GNSS performance under abnormal
ionosphere conditions. Using existing GNSS ground station networks
(IGS, EGNOS, EDCN, EUREF...), the ionosphere is monitored during the
current period of maximum solar activity. These ionosphere
measurements, in addition to the characterisation of past events, are
being used to develop realistic ionosphere scenarios. These ionosphere
scenarios have been evaluated using current and future GNSS receiver
parameters and the impact of the ionosphere on the GNSS performance has
been assessed. As a result, new mitigations means, either internal or
external to the GNSS receiver, are being evaluated.
One such (organizational) mitigation is the European
Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell (EACCC), which has identified space
weather as a possible hazard for aviation. The EACCC has been
established by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL and is composed
of EASA, the EU Presidency and nominated representatives of airspace
users, air navigation service providers (ANSPs), military and airports.
To mitigate the space weather threat, appropriate plans are being
developed which are focused on the provision of an early warning to the
aviation community and continuous provision of reliable information
during the space weather event. For that purpose, coordination between
EUROCONTROL and space weather agencies and experts is being set up with
organisations such as the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). Moreover, a
number of airlines were approached to learn about operational practices
in the event of increased space weather activity - particularly for
flight operations over polar routes.
On the global level, International Civil Aviation
Organisation has increased its recognition of space weather as a
potential threat for the aviation and has mandated the International
Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG) to address space
weather. This group aims at providing a framework and a standardization
process that would allow airlines and other aircraft operators to make
best use of the space weather information provided by space weather
agencies and experts. EUROCONTROL took part in this process through the
US Federal Aviation Agency –
EUROCONTROL Memorandum of Cooperation. This MoC includes action plan 29
on meteorological issues, where space weather is included as an area of
mutual interest. Consequently, action plan 29 provides a coordination
mechanism and allows the development of appropriate joint positions
relating to space weather.
This paper will briefly introduce the space weather
impact on aviation and then, will further detail the EUROCONTROL
activities on space weather. In addition, the space weather activities
hosted by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the European Aviation
Safety Agency (EASA) will be highlighted.
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Space Weather Aspects - An Airline Pilots' perspective
Sievers, Klaus
Vereinigung Cockpit, Germany, GERMANY
This presentation focusses on an aviation, on a pilots'
perspective on space weather. How is it experienced, what practical
impact did space weather have in the past ?
A short overview of international efforts to find an
appropriate way to deal with space weather is then presented. Practical
examples of what space weather and radiation-warning information is
available to pilots are given. Many information sources exist, but
their products aren't standardized, and have yet to be developed to a
point where they are compareable to aviation-standard weather
information. Ideas and examples of how airlines can deal with space
weather are presented.
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Space Weather and Aviation from the Perspectice of the European Aviation Safety Agency
Trautenberg, Hans
Space weather affects aviation in several dimensions:
Effects on humans in the aircraft
Effects on the equipment in the aircraft
Effects on the communication and navigation systems external to the aircraft
EASA addresses these dimensions in certification,
rulemaking, awareness campaigns and during a severe space weather event
by contributing to the European Aviation Crisis Cell. The talk will
elaborate on how EASA identifies and mitigates the risks arising from
space weather effects in aviation and works together with other
stakeholders to ensure a safe operation even during a space weather
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Influence and Mitigation of Ionospheric Disturbances During Aircraft Precision Landing Approaches
Berdermann, Jens; Hlubek, Nikolai
German Aerospace Center (DLR), GERMANY
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in combination with
Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS) allow precision landing
approaches under normal ionospheric conditions. However, the ionosphere
is subject to perturbations, due to the strong temporal and spatial
variability of the ionospheric plasma. In particular ionospheric
gradients and scintillations can prevent an aircraft precision approach
since signal integrity cannot be ensured. Both perturbations are hard
to predict and will lead to conditions, which are strongly deviate from
the regular ionospheric behaviour.
While, to a certain extent, a disturbed ionosphere can
be corrected by GBAS, these systems have difficulties in respect the
disturbances mentioned above, i.e. ionospheric gradients and
scintillations. To take into account ionospheric gradients, a threat
model has been developed, which can estimate the worst case ionospheric
threat from ionospheric gradients. This worst case is then added to the
uncertainty of the positioning solution. We will discuss the threat
model and its application to Germany.
While ionospheric gradients can be taken into account
via the threat model, spontaneous signal scintillations are another big
source of positioning uncertainty due to their random and uncorrelated
nature. They can even lead to a complete loss of the signal in extreme
cases. We will show that the new frequencies from Galileo and Glonass
are also affected by signal scintillations.
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Space Weather Effects on Airline HF Radio Communications in the High Latitude Regions
Stocker, Alan1; Siddle, David1; Warrington, Mike1; Hallam, Jonathan1; Honary, Farideh2; Rogers, Neil2; Zaalov, Nikolay3; Boteler, David4; Danskin, Donald4
1University of Leicester, UNITED KINGDOM;
2University of Lancaster, UNITED KINGDOM;
3St. Petersburg State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;
4Geological Survey of Canada, CANADA
In some cases the shortest (and hence fastest and most
economical) airline routes between cities (e.g. those on the eastern
seaboard of the USA and those in China) cross the polar cap. In the
polar regions, air traffic control relies on HF radio communications
since ground-based VHF radio facilities are lacking (and are
non-existent on the Russian side of the pole) and satellite
communication systems are either not available or expensive to retrofit
to current aircraft. Unfortunately, space weather can significantly
affect the propagation of HF radio signals at these latitudes and the
forecasting techniques currently employed by the airline industry are
somewhat crude and overly conservative. In this paper, we will present
some preliminary results from a new project that aims to provide
forecasting of HF propagation characteristics for use by civilian
airlines operating over polar routes. Previous work in this area [e.g.
Stocker et al., 2007] has focussed on taking HF signal measurements
(e.g. SNR, delay and Doppler spread, and direction of arrival) on a
limited number of propagation paths and developing an ionospheric model
that incorporates high latitude features (e.g. polar patches and arcs)
which, when combined with raytracing, allows the broad characteristics
of the observations to be reproduced [Warrington et al., 2012]. The new
project will greatly extend this work and consists of a number of
stages. Firstly, HF measurements from an extensive network of purpose
built transmitters and receivers spanning the Arctic regions will be
collected and analysed for a period covering the current (so far weak)
solar maximum and part of the declining phase.
In order to test a wide
variety of scenarios, the propagation paths will have different
characteristics, e.g. they will be of different lengths and cover
different parts of the northern ionosphere (i.e. polar cap paths where
both terminals are in the polar cap, trans-auroral paths, and
sub-auroral paths) and observations will be taken at a range of HF
frequencies. Simultaneously, high latitude absorption measurements
utilising the Global Riometer Array (GLORIA) will be collected and
analysed. Next, the observations of the signal characteristics (i.e.
both reflection and absorption properties) will be related to
prevailing space weather parameters. Furthermore, an auroral absorption
prediction model based on solar wind and interplanetary data will be
developed by Lancaster University taking into account the riometer
Algorithms for nowcasting and forecasting of radio
propagation conditions for trans-polar aircraft
will then be developed
from the ionospheric model. In addition to the approach described
above, the benefits of ground station diversity using both the
experimental data and the models developed during the project will also
be investigated. In this presentation, we will concentrate on the space
weather effects on HF propagation.
Stocker A.J., E.M. Warrington, and D.R. Siddle, Comparison
between the measured and predicted parameters of HF radio signals
propagating along the mid-latitude trough and within the polar cap,
Radio Science, 42, RS3019, doi:10.1029/2006RS003557, 2007.
Warrington EM, Zaalov NY, Stocker AJ, Naylor JS, HF
propagation modelling within the polar ionosphere, Radio Science, 47,
Article number RS0L13, doi:10.1029/2011RS004909, 2012.
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Energetic Solar Cosmic Ray Events and their Effect on Radiation Exposure at Flight Altitudes
Flückiger, E.; Bütikofer, R.
University of Bern / HFSJG, SWITZERLAND
During very energetic and intense solar energetic particle
events, observed on Earth e.g. by ground-based cosmic ray detectors as
Ground Level Enhancements (GLE), the radiation dose rates at flight
altitudes can increase by orders of magnitude for a short time.
Especially on polar routes the combined effects of Solar Cosmic Rays
(SCR) and Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) may have the potential of becoming
hazardous. In contrast to the radiation effects due to GCR, where a
number of validated codes are available for flight dose assessments,
procedures for the sporadic GLEs satisfying the needs of airline
companies are still under development and evaluation (e.g. within
EURADOS). At present, respective radiation dose rates are typically
determined in post event analysis by computer models using as input SCR
flux and anisotropy parameters that are derived from worldwide neutron
monitor and/or satellite measurements. However, for a specific GLE,
published SCR characteristics may vary considerably. This may lead to
significant differences in the radiation exposure assessment.
We will review the field and illustrate results of
dose assessments for specific flights during selected GLEs. In
particular, we will compare published SCR characteristics for the GLEs
on 15 April 2001 and 20 January 2005, and we will demonstrate the
effect of discrepancies in these characteristics on flight dose
calculations. In conclusion, we will discuss perspectives of
improvements in SCR dose estimates.
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Radiation Monitoring of GLE on Board Commercial Flight
TROMPIER, François1; BONOTTE, Frank2; DESMARIS, Gérard2; BOTTOLLIER-DEPOIS, Jean-François1
2Air France, FRANCE
Dosimetry of aircrew is nowadays done routinely by calculation
for a large number of aircrews among the world. This numerical approach
has been validated by comparison with numerous on board measurements
performed with adequate instrumentations such as Tissue Equivalent
Proportionnal Counter (TEPC).This approach to assess the occupational
exposure of aircrew is approved and recommended in many countries. In
case of Solar proton event (SPE) classified as Ground Level Event
(GLE), dose rates at flight altitudes can possibly increased, leading
to an additional dose that has also to be taken account for aircrew
dose records. Some routine dosimetry softwares give an estimation of
these extra doses. Nevertheless, the models used for dosimetry are
based or compared to very few sets of in flight measurements during
GLE. There is obviously a clear need of additional data to improve the
existing models. The dedicated instrumentations for aircrew and space
dosimetry are rather expensive and need most of the time connection to
on board power supply, regular maintenance... As a consequence, very
few systems only are continuously operated on board commercial flights,
limiting the probability to measure such events.
Thus, IRSN and Air France has launched a joint program
for monitoring the GLE effect on the dose rate at flight altitude. The
objective is to have at least 2 measurement devices flying at the same
time on different routes.
The approach lies in selecting small electronic
dosimeters that offer the advantage to be cheap , with a large battery
autonomy (up to 6 months), and to discriminate neutron component and
high LET particles from photon and low LET radiation, having a FIFO
memory type (no limitation due to data storage). After installation on
board, the dosimeters are collected and analyzed only in case of GLE.
Such dosimeters are able to assess a 30% increase of dose rate. The
easiness of installation and maintenance makes possible to install a
significant number of devices on different commercial aircrafts. With a
dozen of this type of dosimeter, it is possible to cover the main long
haul route flights. As this type of dosimeters is not design for cosmic
radiation, a specific calibration has been established by comparing
data from electronic dosimeters with a reference instrumentation during
a long haul flight.
In addition, this approach, based on measurements,
makes also possible to estimate rapidly and accurately the effect of a
GLE on dose rate and thus on additional dose by flight received by
public and aircrew.
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Epidemiological Investigations of Aircrew - an Occupational Group with Low-Level Cosmic Radiation Exposure
Zeeb, Hajo; Mueller, Steffen
Leibniz-Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, GERMANY
Primary cosmic radiation from the depth of the universe
interacts with atmospheric molecules, leading to the generation of
neutrons and other charged particles at flight altitudes. Several
factors determine the exposure of aircrew and passengers, among them
flight altitude and flight trajectory as well as solar cycle. Annual
effective doses for flight crew have been estimated to be in the order
of 2-5mSv, with maximum lifetime doses usually below 100mSv. The
recognition that aircrew is exposed to appreciable doses of cosmic
ionizing radiation has motivated a fair number of epidemiological
studies in this occupational group over the last 15-20 years, usually
with a focus on radiation-associated cancer. The fact that aircrew is a
highly selected group with many specific characteristics and exposures,
among them disruption of the biological day-night rhythm, poses a major
challenge for these investigations.
Both cancer incidence and mortality have been
evaluated in large cohorts of cockpit and cabin crew in North America,
Europe and several other countries. Cohort data from 9 European
countries with follow-up into the late 1990ies were jointly analysed in
the ESCAPE project, with an extended follow-up conducted in 2009.
Nordic studies were jointly analysed regarding cancer incidence. Some
results showed consistency across most relevant studies: overall cancer
risk was not elevated, while malignant melanoma (standardised incidence
ratios SIR= 1.85, 95% CI 1.41-2.38), other skin cancers (2.47, 95% CI
1.18-4.53) and breast cancer in female aircrew (1.50, 95% CI 1.32-1.69)
have shown elevated incidence (Pukkala et al. 2002, 2012), with lesser
risk elevations in terms of mortality (Zeeb et al. 2003). In some
studies including the large German cohort, brain cancer risk of cockpit
crew appears elevated with a two-fold increase compared to the general
population (Standardised Mortality Ratio SMR= 2.13, 95% CI 1.03-3.93)
(Zeeb et al. 2010). Cardiovascular mortality risks were generally very
low probably partly due to the so-called health worker effect.
Dose information in these studies was usually derived
from reconstruction approaches based on routine licence information,
types of aircraft and routes/hours flown, but not from direct
measurements. However, dose estimates have shown high validity when
compared with measured values. No clear cut dose-response patterns
pointing to a higher risk for those with higher cumulative doses were
found in statistical analyses. Overall, aircrew is exposed to low
levels of ionizing radiation of cosmic origin, but radiation-associated
health effects have not been clearly established.
A third follow-up of the large German cohort is
currently in the planning stages to provide more robustness in the
statistical analyses due to the extended follow-up period with regard
to radiation-associated health effects. Routine dose monitoring data
from the German radiation protection registry will be used for this
Pukkala E, Helminen M, Haldorsen T, Hammar N, Kojo K,
Linnersjo A, et al. Cancer incidence among Nordic airline cabin crew.
International Journal of Cancer 2012; 131: 2886-2897.
Pukkala E, Aspholm R, Auvinen A, Eliasch H, Gundestrup
M, Haldorsen T, et al. Incidence of cancer among Nordic airline pilots
over five decades: occupational cohort study. Br Med J 2002; 325: 567.
Zeeb H, Hammer G, Langner I, Schafft T, Bennack S,
Blettner M Cancer mortality among German aircrew: second follow-up.
Radiat Environ Biophys 2010; 49: 187-194.
Zeeb H, Blettner M, Langner I, Hammer GP, Ballard TJ,
Santaquilani M, et al. Mortality from cancer and other causes among
airline cabin attendants in Europe - a collaborative cohort study in
eight countries. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003; 158: 35-46.
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The Impact of the Halloween Storms on Radiation Exposure in Aviation:
10 Years After
Meier, Matthias
Solar Particle Events (SPEs), which are often referred to as
solar flares in aviator's jargon, can temporarily contribute to the
radiation field at aviation altitudes and generate a significant
increase in the corresponding dose rates. TV reported on these SPEs and
gave rise to public awareness all over the world. Due to the public
pressure some airlines even operated their flights at lower altitudes
between 29th and 31st October 2003. This paper presents a case study of
dealing with an SPE (GLE 65) concerning radiation protection in
aviation during the Halloween solar storms.’
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Improving HF Communications Availability Forecasts for Aircraft on Trans-Polar Routes
Rogers, Neil1; Honary, Farideh1; Warrington, Mike2; Stocker, Alan2; Siddle, David2; Hallam, Jonathan2
1University of Lancaster, UNITED KINGDOM;
2University of Leicester, UNITED KINGDOM
An increasing number of aircraft operate on polar routes for
which radio communications via VHF or geosynchronous satellite relays
are unavailable. Airlines and air traffic control (ATC) authorities
nonetheless require reliable HF communications with high availability
and the ability to predict outages several hours in advance of a flight
departure. However, ionisation of the D region polar cap and auroral
ionosphere due to solar flares and energetic particle precipitation
increases the absorption of HF radio waves in this region.
This paper describes a new research programme at the
University of Lancaster in collaboration with the University of
Leicester, Solar Metrics Ltd and Natural Resources Canada that
addresses these issues. The project will develop a nowcasting and
forecasting model of HF radio absorption in high northern latitudes
that incorporates measurements from a Global Riometer Array (GLORIA).
Real-time satellite measurements of the solar wind, interplanetary
magnetic field, solar X-ray flux and energetic particle precipitation
will be utilised as input to the model to improve its forecast
Maps of absorption will be combined with the Leicester
University three-dimensional HF ray tracing model. As part of this
project, the Leicester HF propagation model will utilise data from a
network of HF transmitters (collocated with ATC stations) and
direction-finding receivers at high northern latitudes. Measurements on
these paths will further improve and validate the HF predictions by
ensuring that non-great-circle propagation paths are adequately
modelled. The main product of the research programme will be an online
HF communications planning and forecasting tool designed for the
particular needs of civilian airlines.
This presentation will focus on the space weather effects on auroral absorption.
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The Importance of Space Weather Awareness for Atmospheric Research after the Nuclear Incident in Fukushima
Santen, Nicole; Matthiae, Daniel; Meier, Matthias
Space Weather Awareness is a crucial factor in the field of
airborne radiation monitoring since solar radiation storms can
significantly affect measurement results. For instance, a Solar
Particle Event (SPE) can lead to an additional contribution to the
radiation exposure of aircrew at aviation altitudes, which is generated
by interactions of primary high-energetic particles of cosmic origin
with atoms of the Earth's atmosphere.
Here, a case study of a measuring flight is presented,
which was performed by the German Aerospace Center on 23rd March 2011,
twelve days after the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, where large
amounts of radioactive isotopes were released and spread across the
entire globe. The flight aimed at gaining information about and samples
from the radioactively unpolluted atmosphere at aviation altitudes in
Germany. Radiation protection of aircrew and scientists required
online-monitoring of the dose rate aboard the research aircraft in
order to detect potential elevated airborne radioactivity in addition
to the radiation exposure at aviation altitudes due to galactic cosmic
rays and prevent the aircraft from contamination.
The fact that two days before the measuring flight
NOAA had issued an alert due to a solar radiation storm, which
indicated the possibility of an event that could lead to increased dose
rates at aviation altitudes as well, required the permanent observation
of the space weather situation in order to attribute a possible
additional contribution to either a space weather event or the nuclear
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Influence of Solar Energetic Particle Drift on the Detection of Ground Level Enhancements
Dalla, Silvia1; Marsh, Mike1; Agueda, Neus2; Dierckxsens, Mark3; Laitinen, Timo1
1University of Central Lancashire, UNITED KINGDOM;
2University of Barcelona, SPAIN;
3Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, BELGIUM
Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) with energy in the GeV range
can propagate to Earth from their acceleration region at the Sun and
produce Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs). These events cause large
increases in the radiation experienced by air passengers and crew. Many
questions related to the production and propagation of GeV-energy
particles remain unanswered. For example, while it is established that
GLEs are associated with very large flares and fast CMEs at the Sun,
there are many examples of such solar events that did not produce a
GLE. We present results of test-particle simulations of the transport
of GeV-energy solar particles from the Sun to Earth, showing how
gradient and curvature drifts influence their propagation. We also
analyse GLE data and >100 MeV proton data from the GOES satellite,
made available through the SEPEM project, to verify whether drift
patterns can help to explain and predict the occurrence or
non-occurrence of a GLE following a solar event at the Sun. This work
has received funding from the European Commission FP7 Project COMESEP
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SIEVERT and SiGLE: Assessing Radiation Doses Aboard Aircrafts.
Fuller, Nicolas1; Bottollier-Depois, Jean-François2; Clairand, Isabelle2; Trompier, François2
1Observatoire de Paris, FRANCE;
In 2000, the European Commission directive (EU directive
96/29/EURATOM) set limits to the exposure of aircraft crew to cosmic
radiation. The effective dose should not be higher than 100 mSv over 5
years with a maximum of 50 mSv for a given year (specific rules apply
to pregnant air crew). The radiation doses onboard aircraft are due to
two sources: Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and Solar Proton Events (SPE).
The doses are the result of the numerous secondary particles created in
the atmosphere by high energy primary particles. The galactic component
is permanent but modulated by the solar activity in the course of the
11-year solar cycle. The SPE, when detected at ground level by neutron
monitors (GLE), may enhance significantly the doses received onboard
aircraft. A specific semi-empirical model named SiGLE was developed
(Lantos & Fuller, 2003) to take into account these events. Within
the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS), doses computed by
several models were compared and assessed for the GCR. The same
comparison is ongoing for SPEs models and a measurement campaign
initiated by IRSN (Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear
Safety) should give important clues to validate the different
approaches in the near future. Using EPCARD and SiGLE, the computerized
system for flight assessment of exposure to cosmic radiation in air
transport, or "SIEVERT" (Bottollier-Depois, 2003), was proposed to
airline companies to assist them in the application of this legal
requirement. This professional service is also accessible to any
passenger who whish to estimate the dose received during a given flight
( SIEVERT was developed by the French General
Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC), the IRSN and Paris Observatory.
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Influence of Strong Scintillation Effects during Aviation Landing Procedures and Their Mitigation
Berdermann, Jens1; Hlubek, Nikolai2
1German Aerospace Center, GERMANY;
Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS) can correct the
majority of the GNSS pseudo range errors experienced by an aircraft in
the vicinity of an airport. The normal behavior of the ionosphere has a
very limited impact on the position error. However, the ionospheric
medium is subject to perturbations due to the strong temporal and
spatial variability of the ionospheric plasma. In particular short term
disturbances of the ionosphere lead to fluctuations of phase and
amplitude in the GNSS signals. These fluctuations are called signal
scintillations and can be caused by ionization fronts, Travelling
Ionospheric Disturbances, plasma bubbles and plasma turbulences.
Therefore scintillations are one of the biggest sources of positioning
uncertainty in modern GNSS receivers and can even lead to a complete
loss of the signal in extreme cases. Their random and uncorrelated
nature cannot be corrected by two frequency measurements. We will
present the ionospheric threat model developed at the DLR to provide
information about the worst case ionospheric threat, which can occur in
each epoch. A mitigation of such scintillation effects can be done by
preventing the aircraft from using unsafe combinations of GNSS