Splinter - Space weather event analysis

Pitchford, Dave - SES, LUXEMBOURG
Horne, Richard - British Antarctic Survey, UNITED KINGDOM

Thursday November 21st, 2013, 15:15-16:45

Determining the cause of satellite anomalies requires information on the space environment. Most commercial satellites do not measure the full range of space radiation, and even operational space weather satellites only measure a subset. Scientific satellites offer a much wider range of observations, but they are often difficult to obtain and interpret and are only available for limited periods. Models can often complement data and provide information for orbits and locations where no measurements are available, but require scientific expertise. Here we invite industry, engineers and scientists to have an open and informal discussion on the Space Environmental / Space Weather conditions that occurred during the following three periods of time:
  • 27 February 2013 - 20 March 2013;
  • 13 May 2013 - 5 Jun 2013;
  • 21 Jun 2013 - 25 July 2013.
  • This splinter is all about open sharing of data and ideas. We invite participants to get up and present data, modelling results and analysis to help better understand these events, stimulate research, and help prevent unwanted effects in future. We aim to promote better discussion between the participants with different backgrounds, and provide a focus for more studies relevant to the satellite industry. If you are a spacecraft operator we are interested in what you can tell us about any anomalies you may have had during these periods - even if you cannot give details; if you can contribute ground based or in - orbit sensor data, analysis results, solar observations, your predictions, modeling results relating to these periods then we would love to hear about them.

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