Future European Exploration Programme, Low Earth Orbit, Moon and Mars
Keynote by
Frank De Winne, director of the European Astronaut Centre
Thursday 21/11, 18:30 - 19:30, Elisabeth auditorium
Frank burggraaf De Winne is a Belgian ESA-astronaut. In 2002 and 2009,
he left for space to the ISS. He is currently in charge of ISS operations and ESA astronauts and also is
involved in the development of future ESA exploration programmes.
Frank De Winne: ‘We are studying with international partners if we can together go forward to the moon.
It won't be a race to plant a flag, but explore the lunar surface in a sustainable manor. In first instance,
we will stay for short periods on the moon, but we want to check the possibilities for long stays.
The moon can be a stepping stone to Mars.'
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