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Presenters cornerOral presentationsall presenters-all presentations will be run over zoom, regardless whether the speaker is attending online or in person -screen size in all the rooms: widescreen (16:9) -all presenters are recommended to send their presentation at least 24 hours before the session in ppt or pdf form to LOC (esww2022@gmail.com) -are recommended to join their session at least 5 minutes in advance to check that their presentation is present, of proper quality and runs smoothly Online speakers -are recommended to run the presentation from their own device using ‘share screen’ option -are nevertheless recommended to send their presentation at least 24 hours before the session in ppt or pdf form to LOC (esww2022@gmail.com) In person speakers -can give their presentation from the LOC provided device and should thus either send their presentation at least 24 hours before the session in ppt or pdf form to LOC (esww2022@gmail.com) or bring it on USB before the session -are recommended to keep a backup of their presentation with them, preferably on USB or other portable device or to be ready to run the presentation from their own device -speakers wishing to give their presentation from their own device may do so under the following rules: 1) connecting to the LAN (presenters use special LOC connection unavailable to other participants to keep it ‘less crowded’); 2) connecting to the zoom meeting; 3) muting their microphone and speakers and using the ‘share screen’ option Note that if you do not have a LAN port you should bring your own adapter. Keep in mind Not all online participants have the same bandwidth. Zoom adapts to low bandwidth by degrading the video first, trying to keep the audio continuous. Therefore, if you plan to show high resolution images and/or movies not everyone might be able to see them clearly. Poster presentationsAll poster presentations are to be displayed on the ESWW2022 website as the part of the program. These are called DISPLAYs and are to be available to both in-person and online participants. On site presenters are to bring a print-out of their poster to be displayed in the poster room. Online presenters are to prepare a 1-minute video about their poster which will be displayed in the poster room onsite. Note that there is no special communication platform planned for the poster sessions, therefore, all poster presenters are advised to highlight their contact details on their posters so that they can be contacted by interested parties.Displays Displays may be:
In person presenters Posters will be displayed and presented in the poster hall on poster boards with dimensions 96x235 cm (How it looks). All poster presenters are to take down their posters after their designated display time has ended, all posters remaining after their designated display time will be treated as disposable waste. Online presenters 1-minute video Online presenters are to make a short 1-minute video in mpeg or mp4 format about their poster which will be displayed on screens in the poster room onsite in a loop. Note that the poster room is noisy and the screens will be MUTED, therefore, we strongly advise to make a SOUNDLESS VIDEO. Presenters are to send their short video to LOC (esww2022@gmail.com) by October 15th otherwise we cannot guarantee timely inclusion in the program. Note that this option is available only for online poster presenters. There will be 3 poster sessions throughout the week: Posters I Corresponding scientific sessions: CD1, CD2, CD6, CD7, P1, P4, SWR2, SWR5 Display time: Monday 09:00 – Wednesday 14:00 Authors in attendance time: Monday 15:00-16:00; Tuesday 14:45-15:45; Wednesday 10:20-11:30 Observation Forum display time: Wednesday 14:00 – 20:00 authors in attendance time: Wednesday 17:00 – 20:00 Poster presenters in the Observation Forum are to prepare a 5-minute elevator talk about their poster. This will be given in front of their poster and using the screen next to their poster. These elevator talks will be given one at a time. Posters II Corresponding scientific sessions: CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, P2, P3, SWR1, SWR3, SWR4 display time: Thursday 08:30 – Friday 13:30 authors in attendance time: Thursday 10:20-11:30, Thursday 16:00-17:00, Friday 10:20-11:30 ![]() |