Session OF - Space Weather Forum-Observation Forum
The Programme Committee
This is a special poster session devoted to the theme of ESWW 2022, “the importance of comprehensive space-weather monitoring”. The theme Observation Forum comprises posters and elevator talks on the middle day of the conference (Wednesday 26th October). These presentations focus on current and new observation platforms and instruments for monitoring space weather either from the ground or in space. Poster presenters in the Observation Forum will give a 3-minute elevator talk about their poster. This will be given in front of their poster and using the screen next to their poster in the poster hall. These elevator talks will be given one at a time.
Onsite chairs: Piers Jiggens and Stefan Kraft Display time: Wednesday 14:00-20:00 Authors in attendance Time: Wednesday 17:00-20:00
Poster ViewingWednesday October 26, 14:00 - 20:00, Poster Area Talks Wednesday October 26, 17:15 - 18:05, Poster Area Click here to toggle abstract display in the schedule
Talks : Time scheduleWednesday October 26, 17:15 - 18:05, Poster Area17:15 | ESA's Distributed Space weather Sensor System (D3S) | Heil, M et al. | Poster | | Melanie Heil, Juha-Pekka Luntama, Stefan Kraft, Alexi Glover | | European Space Agency | | ESA’s Space Safety Programme is aiming to detect, predict and assess threats from space and their potential risk to life, property and infrastructure. The Space Weather Office in the Space Safety Programme is addressing those risks associated to the activity of our Sun with the goal of providing owners and operators of critical spaceborne and ground-based infrastructure timely and accurate information that will enable mitigation of the adverse impacts of space weather.
ESA’s Space Weather Office is responsible for defining and implementing European space based observation systems to enable operational space weather services. Due to the asymmetry and complexity of Earth's magnetosphere, the involved particle environment and its dynamics, it is necessary to capture the state of the magnetic field and the particle distribution in a sufficiently large number of sampling points around the Earth, such that it allows state-monitoring and modelling of the involved processes with sufficient accuracy and timeliness.
ESA is implementing an enhanced space weather monitoring system, including the Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S) to observe the effects of solar activity within Earth's vicinity. An important aspect for the realisation of observation systems for Space Safety is the need of high reliability, sufficiently long lifetime and low data latencies as the data will be used for operational purposes. Two precursor hosted payload missions of D3S have been realised with a radiation monitor and a magnetometer flying on two different GEO satellites providing near-real time information on current space weather conditions. Serval additional hosted payload flight are in preparation with additional radiation monitors flying on GEO missions in 2022 and missions planned for the lunar environment in 2024/25. In addition to hosted payload missions ESA is studying options for dedicated small satellite constellations. The current status and short- to medium-term plans for D3S will be presented. | 17:20 | SURROUND, A constellation of CubeSats around the Sun | Canizares, L et al. | Poster | | L Alberto Canizares [1],[2], Shane A Maloney [1], Peter T Gallagher [1], Eoin P Carley [1], Sophie Murray [1], Dale Weigt [1], Ciara McGrath [3], Nicholas Crisp [3], Alejandro Macario Rojas [3], Jack Cullen [1] [4], Akhil Vinod Kumar [1] [4] | | [1]Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland [2]Trinity College Dublin, Ireland [3] University of Manchester, UK [4]University College Dublin, Ireland | | The Sun regularly produces flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that can drive solar energetic particle events (SEPs). CMEs and SEPs can produce a variety of adverse space weather (SW) effects at Earth and in the near-Earth environment[1]. CMEs and SEPs produce radio emission in particular: (1) CME-driven shocks produce Type II solar radio bursts (SRBs)[2], and (2) energetic electrons escaping into the heliosphere produce Type III SRBs[3], which can be utilised to track these events.
At present, there is no operational means to monitor and track SRBs, the SURROUND mission aims to address this gap with a constellation of CubeSats, and is currently in a Phase-0 study supported by ESA. SURROUND will observe and track, in three dimensions (3D), Type-II and Type-III SRBs in order to fore-/now- cast CME and SEPs for space weather monitoring. Each SURROUND satellite will be equipped with a radio spectrometer capable to tracking radio bursts from the surface of the Sun to the Earth.
SURROUND is proposed to be composed of 6 CubeSats; one at each of the Lagrange (L) 1, 4, and 5 points, one orbiting ahead of the Earth, one orbiting behind the Earth, and one out of the ecliptic plane. This configuration would allow accurate 3D triangulation of SRBs and their associated space weather activity to achieve the mission aims to monitor and track solar radio bursts. These goals are complementary to those set out by other missions (such as ESA Solar Orbiter/RPW and NASA Parker Solar Probe/FIELDS). SURROUND will therefore provide Europe with more accurate monitoring and forecasting of space weather activity in near real-time. | 17:25 | Plasmasphere Monitoring for Space Weather Impact Prediction (PM4SWIP) | Berdermann, J et al. | Poster | | Jens Berdermann[1], Mainul Hoque[1], Maximillian Semmling[1], Vincenzo D'Onofrio[2], Ylenia Di Crescenzio[2], Andrea Bechi[2], Reimund Brunner[3] , Melanie Heil[4], Sergio Terzo[4], Alberto Ruiz Gonzola[4], Thomas Honig[4] | | [1]German Aerospace Center, Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics (DLR-SO), [2]German Aerospace Center, Institute for Space Applications (DLR-GfR), [3]Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM), [4]European Space Agency, Space Weather Space Segment (ESA OPS-SW) | | Space weather observations and prediction of expected disturbances on ground- and space-based infrastructures are critical for the safety and evolution of our modern society. Space weather events, like solar storms, can have crucial impact on navigation, communication, power grids and other electrical conducting infrastructures. In the sun to earth interaction chain, the plasmasphere is a central source of information about the geo-effectivity of solar storms and in terms of space-based observations not well covered until now. This is surprising since the compression and change of the plasmapause for example is a direct information source for the strength of the solar wind and the solar storm impact.
We will present results of the ESA project PM4SWIP, where a phase 0 satellite mission concept has been investigated to realize monitoring of the movement/shift in the plasmapause boundary, using GNSS and DORIS signals as well as an onboard Langmuir probe. The concept is based on a satellite constellation of 3 CubeSats, orbiting at Polar orbits of about 6,000 km altitude. We will show, how the mission, with its near real-time observation of the plasmasphere dynamics, could close existing space weather monitoring gaps and allows to improve prediction and correction of ionospheric disturbances as needed for precise and reliable GNSS services and applications.
| 17:30 | Space Environment & Effects Satellite (SE&ES) Mission Concept Feasibility Study | Jiggens, P et al. | Poster | | P. Jiggens[1], J. Vennekens[1], P. Lux[1], N. Lawton[1], S. Clucas[1], C. Poivey[1], D. Steenari[1], H. Evans[1], M. Millinger[1], V. Braun[2], S. Mutch[1], M. Khan[2], M. Verhoef[1], G. Salinas[1], C. Terhes[1], B. Sousa[2], K. Benamar[1], Y. Le Deuff[1], M. van Pelt[1], M. Magazzu[1], T. Wablat[1], D. Lomanto[1], P. Nieminen[1], S. Rason[1], V. Ferlet-Cavrois [1] | | [1] European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, [2] European Space Operations Centre, European Space Agency, Darmstadt, Germany | | The natural space environment poses a variety of hazards to space missions including, but not limited to, those from radiation sources present in different regions of space. With the trend for Electric propulsion Orbit-Raising (EOR) being used to raise satellites to MEO, GEO and beyond, poorly mapped regions of the Earth’s radiation belts are being transited for far longer time periods than was formerly the case. Several recent scientific missions such as NASA’s Van Allen Probes and JAXA’s Arase have explored the environment in greater resolution and investigated phenomenology and processes in more detail than ever before. These single high-cost missions are invaluable to our understanding of the radiation belts informing new specification, now-cast and forecast models.
However, for the space market it is important to understand how the environment impacts electronic components that are intended for future missions which have much smaller budgets. To supplement qualification, demonstration of components, units and instruments in-space reduces risks for future missions and develops experience working with new technology enabling future exploitation. Indeed, to reach a TRL of 9 a technology demonstrated in-space through successful mission operations. For these reasons, enhanced In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) is a key aspect of ESA’s Technology Strategy.
A pre-Phase A study was conducted by ESA’s Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) in March 2021 to investigate the feasibility of a low-cost, short-duration (~2-year) IOD mission. The three objectives of the Space Environment & Effects Satellite (SE&ES) mission are to:
1. Raise the TRL of instruments and technologies for space environment (and space weather) monitoring to 9 such that they might be directly procured by ESA programmes with low lead times;
2. Improve the understanding of the space environment and its effects through comparisons and cross-comparison of measurements on the same platform using dedicated effects experiments;
3. Space-qualify modern European electronics components (FPGAs, microprocessors and memories) with respect to the carefully characterised space environment such that they can be adopted by other projects in the context of European non-dependence.
This work presents the outcome of the CDF study and gives an outline of the SE&ES concept including payload, orbit and operations aspects. | 17:35 | The latest developments of the SWFO program and planned products | Biesecker, D et al. | Poster | | Douglas Biesecker [1], Mark Miesch [2] | | [1] NOAA/NESDIS/OPPA, [2] NOAA/NWS/SWPC | | The NOAA Space Weather Follow On (SWFO) mission will ensure critical operational space weather measurements of coronal mass ejections and solar wind continue to be available. The SWFO-L1 spacecraft will launch as a ride-share with the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), with both spacecraft going to L1. Together, these will provide the first operational coronagraph imagery, suprathermal ion and electron data, and experimental high energy electrons and solar wind composition data available in near-real-time, in addition to continuing the history of operational L1 magnetic field and thermal plasma data. This will ensure the continuity of existing operational products, but enable new operational and experimental products. We will present an update on the status of the SWFO Program space flight and ground segment development as well as present an overview of the existing products and a preliminary list of new products being envisioned for deployment in 2025, when SWFO-L1 and IMAP launch and beyond. Topics covered include coronagraph image processing, robust averaging of time series, solar wind regime classification, and geomagnetic storm warnings based on energetic ion enhancements. | 17:40 | The INGV eSWua network: observing the ionosphere from ground-based infrastructures | Pica, E et al. | Poster | | Emanuele Pica [1], Claudio Cesaroni [1], Vincenzo Romano [1][2] , Enrico Zuccheretti [1], Michael Pezzopane [1], Carlo Marcocci [1], Lucilla Alfonsi [1], Luca Spogli [1][2], Giorgiana De Franceschi [1] | | [1] Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, [2] SpacEarth Technology Srl | | The eSWua (electronic Space Weather upper atmosphere) network, managed by the “Upper Atmosphere Physics and Radiopropagation group” of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italy), consists of ground-based instruments dedicated to the monitoring of the ionosphere and to the related scientific studies in the framework of Space Weather. Recently, the network has strongly increased its capability in terms of global distribution of the monitoring stations as well as concerning the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure which manages the near-real time acquisition, the historical data preservation and the data dissemination. The network is currently composed of 23 GISTM (GNSS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC monitor) receivers aimed at studying and monitoring the ionospheric irregularities as well as 5 ionosondes performing ionospheric vertical radio soundings. The instruments are distributed in several regions (Antarctic and Arctic areas, Europe, south and central America, central Africa and east Asia) covering high, low, and middle latitudes and are operating 24/7 thanks to the collaboration with several partner institutions. Data are collected at the ICT infrastructure in Rome which also provides support in developing and operating high-level data and products (e.g. TEC and HF nowcasting and forecasting maps) which feed international Space Weather monitoring services (e.g. the PECASUS consortium for the ICAO, the ESA-SWESNET project) and ionospheric community-driven initiatives (e.g. the PITHIA EU-H2020 project). The renewed eSWua ( platform acts as an online powerful tool to freely access and explore this huge amount of information, while the underlying data management system allows to harmonize and integrate different data sources into the network. The system is scalable and can easily include data from either new INGV installations or instruments managed by other parties. | 17:45 | Filament database at Kanzelhöhe Observatory | Pötzi, W et al. | Poster | | Pötzi Werner, Veronig Astrid | | Kanzelhöhe Observatory, University of Graz Austria | | In the framework of the Space Situational Awareness program of the European Space Agency (ESA/SSA), an automatic flare and filament detection system was developed at Kanzelhöhe Observatory (KSO) and is in operation since 2013. The filament data is processed every hour and information about each detected filament is stored in a database and interactive web pages showing this information are generated. For each filament in the database we store the heliographic and pixel location, the area in microhemispheres, the length in arcsec, the number of branches and the preceding and following filament database index. Based on this database filaments can be tracked and an automatic filament eruption detection is in preparation. | 17:50 | Multi-scale response of the high-latitude topside ionosphere to geospace forcing | Spogli, L et al. | Poster | | Luca Spogli [1][3], Jaroslav Urbar [1][2], Antonio Cicone [1][4][5], Lasse B. N. Clausen [6], Yaqi Jin [6], Alan G. Wood [7], Lucilla Alfonsi [1], Claudio Cesaroni [1], Daria Kotova [6], Per Høeg [6], Wojciech J. Miloch [6] | | [1]Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy [2]Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic [3]SpacEarth Technology, Italy [4]DISIM University of L’Aquila, Italy [5]Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, INAF, Italy [6]University of Oslo, Norway [7]Space Environment and Radio Engineering Group (SERENE), University of Birmingham, UK | | We investigate the response of the topside ionosphere, auroral and polar sectors, to the forcing of the geospace during September 2017. Specifically, we aim at characterizing such a response in terms of the involved spatial scales and of their intensification during the different auroral and polar cap activity conditions experienced in the selected month, that is characterized by severe geomagnetic storm conditions. For our purposes, we leverage on and compare various in situ plasma density data products provided by the Swarm constellation of the European Space Agency (ESA). The spatio-temporal variability of the involved scales in the plasma density observation is featured through the application of the Fast Iterative Filtering (FIF) signal decomposition technique and, for the first time in the ionospheric field, of a FIF-derived dynamical spectrum called “IMFogram”. The instantaneous time-frequency representation provided through the IMFogram illustrates the time development of the multi-scale processes with spatial and temporal resolutions higher than those obtained with traditional signal processing techniques. To demonstrate this, the IMFogram is tested against Fast Fourier and Continuous Wavelet Transforms. With our fine characterization, we highlight how scale cascading and intensification processes in the plasma density observations follow the ionospheric currents activity, as depicted through the auroral activity and polar cap indices, and through the field-aligned currents data product provided by Swarm. This work is performed in the framework of the Swarm Variability of Ionospheric Plasma (Swarm-VIP) project, funded by ESA in the “Swarm+4D-Ionosphere” framework (ESA Contract No. 4000130562/20/I-DT). | 17:55 | Four years of data for the DLR RAMIS measurements in LEO | Matthiae, D et al. | Poster | | Thomas Berger, Daniel Matthiä, Joachim Aeckerlein, Moritz Kasemann, Karel Marsalek, Bartos Przybyla, Markus Rohde, Michael Wirtz | | German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany | | The DLR RAMIS detector telescope has been measuring the radiation environment in a polar orbit at an altitude of about 600 km altitude since December 2018 in the frame of the DLR Eu:CROPIS mission. The measured data covers the past solar minimum and the recently decreasing levels of cosmic radiation related to the increasing solar activity in solar cycle 25. With RAMIS we could measure the short-term variations in dose rate and particle flux of trapped electrons in the outer radiation belts and solar cycle dependent variations of the galactic cosmic radiation. In addition, several solar energetic particle events have been recorded by the RAMIS instrument. | 18:00 | PROBA2: more than a decade of Sun-monitoring | Dominique, M et al. | Poster | | Marie Dominique [1], Elke D'Huys [1], David Berghmans [1], Laurence Wauters [1], Jenny O'Hara [1], Dana Talpeanu [1], Ingolf E. Dammasch [1] | | [1] Royal Observatory of Belgium/STCE | | The PROBA2 microsat from ESA was launched end of 2009, with two instruments dedicated to solar observation onboard. Those instruments, respectively the EUV telescope SWAP and the UV-EUV radiometer LYRA benefit from the favourable orbit of the spacecraft to get quasi-uninterrupted observations of the Sun. Moreover, the frequent contacts with the ground stations (~8 per day) make those data an important asset for nowcasting solar activity. Despite the longevity of the mission, the ageing effects did not strongly affect the space-weather oriented observations, and SWAP and LYRA data are therefore still used by international space weather centers such as ESA’s Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC). We present the PROBA2 data products and discuss their interest for the space-weather community. |
Posters1 | Four years of data for the DLR RAMIS measurements in LEO | Matthiae, D et al. | Poster | | Thomas Berger, Daniel Matthiä, Joachim Aeckerlein, Moritz Kasemann, Karel Marsalek, Bartos Przybyla, Markus Rohde, Michael Wirtz | | German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany | | The DLR RAMIS detector telescope has been measuring the radiation environment in a polar orbit at an altitude of about 600 km altitude since December 2018 in the frame of the DLR Eu:CROPIS mission. The measured data covers the past solar minimum and the recently decreasing levels of cosmic radiation related to the increasing solar activity in solar cycle 25. With RAMIS we could measure the short-term variations in dose rate and particle flux of trapped electrons in the outer radiation belts and solar cycle dependent variations of the galactic cosmic radiation. In addition, several solar energetic particle events have been recorded by the RAMIS instrument. | 2 | DOSTEL measurements in COLUMBUS within the DOSIS/DOSIS3D projects | Matthiae, D et al. | Poster | | Daniel Matthiä[1], Sönke Burmeister[2], Bartos Przybyla[1], Thomas Berger[1] | | [1]German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany; [2]Christian Albrechts University (CAU), Kiel, Germany | | Two Silicon-detector based DOSimetry TELescopes (DOSTELs) have been measuring the cosmic radiation in the COLUMBUS module of the International Space Station since 2009 and have now recorded data over more than one solar cycle covering the maxima of galactic cosmic ray intensity in 2009 and 2020 and the intensity minimum in between. Dose rates in the ISS orbit from galactic cosmic radiation and trapped particles from the radiation belt in the South Atlantic Anomaly over this time are presented. The variation of dose rates over the solar cycle and the dependency on the geomagnetic shielding quantified by the cut-off rigidity are investigated. Using dose rates measured at low geomagnetic shielding and correcting for the altitude dependent shielding from Earth against cosmic radiation, the expected dose and dose equivalent rates from galactic cosmic radiation in near-Earth interplanetary space are derived. | 3 | The INGV eSWua network: observing the ionosphere from ground-based infrastructures | Pica, E et al. | Poster | | Emanuele Pica [1], Claudio Cesaroni [1], Vincenzo Romano [1][2] , Enrico Zuccheretti [1], Michael Pezzopane [1], Carlo Marcocci [1], Lucilla Alfonsi [1], Luca Spogli [1][2], Giorgiana De Franceschi [1] | | [1] Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, [2] SpacEarth Technology Srl | | The eSWua (electronic Space Weather upper atmosphere) network, managed by the “Upper Atmosphere Physics and Radiopropagation group” of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italy), consists of ground-based instruments dedicated to the monitoring of the ionosphere and to the related scientific studies in the framework of Space Weather. Recently, the network has strongly increased its capability in terms of global distribution of the monitoring stations as well as concerning the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure which manages the near-real time acquisition, the historical data preservation and the data dissemination. The network is currently composed of 23 GISTM (GNSS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC monitor) receivers aimed at studying and monitoring the ionospheric irregularities as well as 5 ionosondes performing ionospheric vertical radio soundings. The instruments are distributed in several regions (Antarctic and Arctic areas, Europe, south and central America, central Africa and east Asia) covering high, low, and middle latitudes and are operating 24/7 thanks to the collaboration with several partner institutions. Data are collected at the ICT infrastructure in Rome which also provides support in developing and operating high-level data and products (e.g. TEC and HF nowcasting and forecasting maps) which feed international Space Weather monitoring services (e.g. the PECASUS consortium for the ICAO, the ESA-SWESNET project) and ionospheric community-driven initiatives (e.g. the PITHIA EU-H2020 project). The renewed eSWua ( platform acts as an online powerful tool to freely access and explore this huge amount of information, while the underlying data management system allows to harmonize and integrate different data sources into the network. The system is scalable and can easily include data from either new INGV installations or instruments managed by other parties. | 4 | Small satellite mission for Aurora Oval Monitoring | Alemán, F et al. | Poster | | Fernando Alemán[1], F. Javier Atapuerca[1], Pablo Fregenal[1], Juan Pablo Ramos[2], Dennis Gerrits[2], Ryuichi Dunphy[2], Nicolo Carletti[2], Angelo Micolli[3], Dawid Kazimierczak[3] | | [1]GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A., [2]QinetiQ Space NV, [3]GMV Innovating Solutions Sp.z.o.o. | | In the frame of the Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S) within ESA’s SSA program, GMV Spain is leading one of the two parallel phase A studies for the definition of an Aurora Oval Monitoring Mission, having as secondary goal the obtention of in-situ measurements. GMV Spain counts on the support of QinetiQ Space NV as subcontractor for platform-related aspects and GMV Poland for the mission performance analysis.
The objective of the mission is the periodic imaging of the auroral regions, close to both geographic Poles. The final operational mission should provide images of the complete Aurora Oval with cadence of observations shorter than 30 minutes (goal of 15 minutes). Within this project, both demonstrator and final operational missions shall be designed. Whilst the payload developments (Auroral Optical Spectral Imager and Aurora UV Imager) remain out of the scope of this activity, their implications in the overall mission architecture (characteristics, interfaces, cost impact) remain as part of the considerations and trade-offs performed.
The main challenges of the study, relate to the need of performing observations from high altitudes aimed at maximizing the coverage over the aurora oval region in one image. The target cost of the mission is low (small satellite concept), so the implications of these high orbits in the launcher selection, in the protection of the equipment against high radiation dose, or in the need of propulsion system with high delta-V capabilities must be analysed in detail.
Four families of mission architectures have been analysed.
The first option is to monitor the aurora oval regions from high eccentricity orbits (perigee around 400 km and apogee around 2500 km) in two orbital planes with critical inclination (63.4 and 116.6 degrees respectively), so the apogee location is fixed over the Polar regions.
The second family corresponds to the observation from circular polar orbits at altitudes around 6000 km, which will imply less satellites in the constellation, but greater complexity in the launch and in the platform.
A third architecture would correspond to Flower constellation deployed in one or two sun-synchronous orbital planes (perigee around 400 km and apogee 1500-2500 km).
Finally, a constellation of more than 10 satellites in circular SSO orbits of 1000-1500 km of altitude, with push-broom acquisition strategy would be a more cost-efficient solution at the expense of not having full images of the aurora oval. | 5 | Potential observations from nanosatellites in ESA’s D3S programme | Forsyth, C et al. | Poster | | Colin Forsyth[b], Steve Eckersley[a], Samantha Rowe[a], Nikki Antoniou[a], Robert Wicks[c], Jonathan Eastwood[d], Patrick Brown[d], Vladimír Dániel[e], Jan Gromeš[e], Milan Junas[e], Keith Ryden[f], Melanie Heil[g], Sergio Terzo[h], Alberto Ruiz Gonzalo[h], Piers Jiggens[i] | | (a) SSTL, 20 Stephenson Road, Guildford, GU2 7YE, UK,, (b) MSSL, University College London, Holmbury Hill Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6NT, UK, (c) Northumbria University, Sunderland Building, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK, (d) Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK (e), VZLU, Beranovych 130, CZ-19905 Prague – Letnany, Czech Republic, (f) SSC, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK, (g) ESA (ESOC), Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany, (h) RHEA System GmbH for ESA (ESOC), Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany, (i) ESA (ESTEC), Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, NL | | ESA’s Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S) will provide operational monitoring of a wide range of key environments for space weather within the near-Earth. This will be achieved through a combination of hosted payloads and dedicated missions. As part of this programme, SSTL have been leading the Phase 0/A study on “Nanosatellites for D3S”. The Phase 0 element of this study was completed in early 2022, with the study team proposing two potential mission architectures, both to fly in a 500-600 km Sun-synchronous orbit with a LTAN of 10:30am. These proposed architectures would be capable of making measurements of the radiation environment, ionospheric scintillation, local magnetic field, as well as the plasma and neutral conditions in the ionosphere and upper thermosphere. In this presentation, we outline the proposed architectures and the possible measurements that could be made by the nanosatellites as part of the D3S programme. | 6 | HENON: HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce | Marcucci, M et al. | Poster | | E. M. Alessi[1], P. Brown[2], S. Cicalo'[1], G. Consolini[3], R. D’Amicis[3], M. Dekkali[4], L. Del Zanna[5], V. Di Tana[6], J. Eastwood[2], D. Fischer[7], A. Greco[8], K. Issautier[4], P. Jiggens[9], S. Landi[5], M. Laurenza[3], J. Lethi[10], W. Magnes[7], F. Malara[8], M. F. Marcucci[3], R. Nakamura[7], S. Natalucci[11], Z. Nemecek[12], D. Paglialunga[6], L. Prech[12], R. Rispoli[3], M. Romoli[5], J. Safrankova[12], S. Servidio[8], S. Simonetti[6], R. Vainio[13], G. Valsecchi[3], A. Vecchio[4], A. Verdini[5], R. Walker[10], G. Zimbardo[8] | | [1]SpaceDys (IT); [2]Imperial College (UK); [3]INAF-IAPS (IT); [4]LESIA, Paris Observatory (FR); [5]Università degli Studi di Firenze (IT); [6]Argotec (IT); [7]Space Research Institute Graz, Austrian Academy of Sciences (AU); [8]Università della Calabria (IT); [9]ESTEC (NL); [10]ASRO (FI); [11]ASI (IT); [12]Charles University (CZ); [13]Turku University (FI) | | The HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce (HENON) is a new mission concept conceived to address the widely recognized need to make a leap forward in the Space Weather (SWE) forecasting and science. The HENON baseline foresees one 12U CubeSat orbiting along a Distant Retrograde Orbit (DRO) of the Sun-Earth system, so that the HENON CubeSat will stay for a long period of time very far upstream of the Earth (well beyond L1 at least $\sim$ 0.1 AU).
HENON will embark a state of the art radiation monitor, which will provide high-resolution measurements of energetic particle spectra, making HENON the first mission ever monitoring in near real time of the particle radiation environment in the deep space. This will provide insight into the near-Earth spatial variations of SEP events giving rise to better boundary conditions for forecasting and nowcasting tools.
The HENON mission aims to embark additional payloads tailored for SWE observations, including plasma and/or magnetic field measurements, in order to pave the way for a significant improvement (several hours) of the forecasting horizons of geo-effective interplanetary structures.
HENON has important technological objectives including demonstration of the capability of the CubeSat technologies in deep space to reach both scientific and operational goals through the first ever operation in unexplored DRO orbits. This will pave the way for a future fleet of such CubeSats equally spaced along the DRO, which could provide continuous near real-time measurements for space weather forecasting. HENON is in the A/B study phase that is being developed in the framework of the ESA General Support Technology Program (GSTP). HENON is funded by the Italian Space Agency as part of the ALCOR programme | 7 | Space Environment & Effects Satellite (SE&ES) Mission Concept Feasibility Study | Jiggens, P et al. | Poster | | P. Jiggens[1], J. Vennekens[1], P. Lux[1], N. Lawton[1], S. Clucas[1], C. Poivey[1], D. Steenari[1], H. Evans[1], M. Millinger[1], V. Braun[2], S. Mutch[1], M. Khan[2], M. Verhoef[1], G. Salinas[1], C. Terhes[1], B. Sousa[2], K. Benamar[1], Y. Le Deuff[1], M. van Pelt[1], M. Magazzu[1], T. Wablat[1], D. Lomanto[1], P. Nieminen[1], S. Rason[1], V. Ferlet-Cavrois [1] | | [1] European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, [2] European Space Operations Centre, European Space Agency, Darmstadt, Germany | | The natural space environment poses a variety of hazards to space missions including, but not limited to, those from radiation sources present in different regions of space. With the trend for Electric propulsion Orbit-Raising (EOR) being used to raise satellites to MEO, GEO and beyond, poorly mapped regions of the Earth’s radiation belts are being transited for far longer time periods than was formerly the case. Several recent scientific missions such as NASA’s Van Allen Probes and JAXA’s Arase have explored the environment in greater resolution and investigated phenomenology and processes in more detail than ever before. These single high-cost missions are invaluable to our understanding of the radiation belts informing new specification, now-cast and forecast models.
However, for the space market it is important to understand how the environment impacts electronic components that are intended for future missions which have much smaller budgets. To supplement qualification, demonstration of components, units and instruments in-space reduces risks for future missions and develops experience working with new technology enabling future exploitation. Indeed, to reach a TRL of 9 a technology demonstrated in-space through successful mission operations. For these reasons, enhanced In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) is a key aspect of ESA’s Technology Strategy.
A pre-Phase A study was conducted by ESA’s Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) in March 2021 to investigate the feasibility of a low-cost, short-duration (~2-year) IOD mission. The three objectives of the Space Environment & Effects Satellite (SE&ES) mission are to:
1. Raise the TRL of instruments and technologies for space environment (and space weather) monitoring to 9 such that they might be directly procured by ESA programmes with low lead times;
2. Improve the understanding of the space environment and its effects through comparisons and cross-comparison of measurements on the same platform using dedicated effects experiments;
3. Space-qualify modern European electronics components (FPGAs, microprocessors and memories) with respect to the carefully characterised space environment such that they can be adopted by other projects in the context of European non-dependence.
This work presents the outcome of the CDF study and gives an outline of the SE&ES concept including payload, orbit and operations aspects. | 8 | Closing the gap: reducing inter-observatory distance to <300 km across the UK and Ireland | Beggan, C et al. | Poster | | C. Beggan, S. Reay, O. Baillie, J. Huebert, R. Lyon, T. Martyn and J. Parrianen | | British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, UK | | Monitoring of the geomagnetic field at high spatial resolution allows small-scale features of the magnetic field to be observed. During geomagnetic storms, fluctuations in the horizontal (north-south and east-west) components become important, particularly if they are rapid, for the generation of secondary induced geoelectric fields in the subsurface.
In the UK, the three permanent observatories, Lerwick (Shetland), Eskdalemuir (Dumfries) and Hartland (Devon), run by the British Geological Survey (BGS) provide excellent coverage of the latitudinal variation of the magnetic field but, as they lie along a narrow range of longitudes, do not sense variations across the east to west extent of the British Isles. They are also approximately equidistant being around 500 km apart on average.
In 2022, BGS installed three semi-permanent variometers in Fermanagh (Northern Ireland), Market Harborough (Leicestershire) and Herstmoncuex (Sussex). These sites were chosen to optimise the spatial distribution and ensure that no location in Britain is more than 300 km from a variometer.
The variometers consist of a Sensys three-component fluxgate magnetomer, buried in a barrel for temperature stability, an EarthData Digitiser/Logger running Linux, 4G modem, control electronics, two car batteries for power and a solar panel to charge the batteries. The electronics and batteries are housed in a plastic shed to protect them from the weather. The magnetic field is measured once per second, recorded on the logger and sent back to the BGS across the 4G mobile phone network once every five minutes.
We present an overview of the variometers setup, location and example data collected during 2022.
| 9 | SURROUND, A constellation of CubeSats around the Sun | Canizares, L et al. | Poster | | L Alberto Canizares [1],[2], Shane A Maloney [1], Peter T Gallagher [1], Eoin P Carley [1], Sophie Murray [1], Dale Weigt [1], Ciara McGrath [3], Nicholas Crisp [3], Alejandro Macario Rojas [3], Jack Cullen [1] [4], Akhil Vinod Kumar [1] [4] | | [1]Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland [2]Trinity College Dublin, Ireland [3] University of Manchester, UK [4]University College Dublin, Ireland | | The Sun regularly produces flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that can drive solar energetic particle events (SEPs). CMEs and SEPs can produce a variety of adverse space weather (SW) effects at Earth and in the near-Earth environment[1]. CMEs and SEPs produce radio emission in particular: (1) CME-driven shocks produce Type II solar radio bursts (SRBs)[2], and (2) energetic electrons escaping into the heliosphere produce Type III SRBs[3], which can be utilised to track these events.
At present, there is no operational means to monitor and track SRBs, the SURROUND mission aims to address this gap with a constellation of CubeSats, and is currently in a Phase-0 study supported by ESA. SURROUND will observe and track, in three dimensions (3D), Type-II and Type-III SRBs in order to fore-/now- cast CME and SEPs for space weather monitoring. Each SURROUND satellite will be equipped with a radio spectrometer capable to tracking radio bursts from the surface of the Sun to the Earth.
SURROUND is proposed to be composed of 6 CubeSats; one at each of the Lagrange (L) 1, 4, and 5 points, one orbiting ahead of the Earth, one orbiting behind the Earth, and one out of the ecliptic plane. This configuration would allow accurate 3D triangulation of SRBs and their associated space weather activity to achieve the mission aims to monitor and track solar radio bursts. These goals are complementary to those set out by other missions (such as ESA Solar Orbiter/RPW and NASA Parker Solar Probe/FIELDS). SURROUND will therefore provide Europe with more accurate monitoring and forecasting of space weather activity in near real-time. | 10 | New Capabilities of the Revamped Catania Solar Telescope | Romano, P et al. | Poster | | Romano Paolo[1], Guglielmino Salvo L.[1], Costa Pierfrancesco[1], Falco Mariachiara[1], Buttaccio, Salvatore[1], Costa Alessandro[1], Giuffrida Alfio[1], Martinetti Eugenio[1], Occhipinti Giovanni[1], Spadaro Daniele[1], Ventura Rita[1] | | INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania | | The acquisition system of INAF - Catania Solar Telescope has been recently upgraded in order to improve its contribution to the ESA – Space Weather Service Network, by the provision of Space Weather products and services through the ESA Portal, which represents the main asset for Space Weather in Europe. Since many years INAF-OACT provides full-disc images of the photosphere and chromosphere acquired by its Solar Telescope, together with a detailed characterization of the sunspot groups.
We describe the new products provided by the INAF – Catania Solar Telescope and, as a showcase of the observational capabilities of the revamped Catania Solar Telescope, we report the results of a B5.4 class flare occurred on December 7th, 2020, simultaneously observed by the IRIS and SDO satellites.
| 11 | Plasmasphere Monitoring for Space Weather Impact Prediction (PM4SWIP) | Berdermann, J et al. | Poster | | Jens Berdermann[1], Mainul Hoque[1], Maximillian Semmling[1], Vincenzo D'Onofrio[2], Ylenia Di Crescenzio[2], Andrea Bechi[2], Reimund Brunner[3] , Melanie Heil[4], Sergio Terzo[4], Alberto Ruiz Gonzola[4], Thomas Honig[4] | | [1]German Aerospace Center, Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics (DLR-SO), [2]German Aerospace Center, Institute for Space Applications (DLR-GfR), [3]Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM), [4]European Space Agency, Space Weather Space Segment (ESA OPS-SW) | | Space weather observations and prediction of expected disturbances on ground- and space-based infrastructures are critical for the safety and evolution of our modern society. Space weather events, like solar storms, can have crucial impact on navigation, communication, power grids and other electrical conducting infrastructures. In the sun to earth interaction chain, the plasmasphere is a central source of information about the geo-effectivity of solar storms and in terms of space-based observations not well covered until now. This is surprising since the compression and change of the plasmapause for example is a direct information source for the strength of the solar wind and the solar storm impact.
We will present results of the ESA project PM4SWIP, where a phase 0 satellite mission concept has been investigated to realize monitoring of the movement/shift in the plasmapause boundary, using GNSS and DORIS signals as well as an onboard Langmuir probe. The concept is based on a satellite constellation of 3 CubeSats, orbiting at Polar orbits of about 6,000 km altitude. We will show, how the mission, with its near real-time observation of the plasmasphere dynamics, could close existing space weather monitoring gaps and allows to improve prediction and correction of ionospheric disturbances as needed for precise and reliable GNSS services and applications.
| 12 | Gravity Wave effects on the V0 layer in the Venus ionosphere | Tripathi, K et al. | Poster | | Keshav R. Tripathi[1], R. K. Choudhary[1], Jeslin S. Jose[1], K. M. Ambili[1], and T. Immamura[2] | | [1]Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC, Trivandrum; [2]University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan | | The electron density enhancement in the Venus ionosphere at a lower altitude (below 120 km altitude) has been reported in previous studies [1] and defined as the V$_0$ layer [2]. The main reason for such an enhancement in the electron density was assigned to the ionization of metallic ions, ablated from meteoric influx [1]. Also, variations in the peak of the V$_0$ layer were attributed to the physical properties of the meteoric influx [1, 3]. Using observations by the radio occultation experiments onboard Venus Express and Akatsuki orbiters, we, for the first time, show that the forcing from the lower atmosphere plays a pivotal role in determining the shape of the V$_0$ layer. We found that when the Solar Zenith Angle (SZA) is less than 50$^\circ$ and Gravity Wave Potential Energy (GWPE) is more than 10 Joule/kg, the V$_0$ layer always appears in a wave-like pattern. However, when the GWPE is less than 10 Joule/kg, a single well-defined peak in the V$_0$ layer could be identified. For the case when SZA is more than 50$^\circ$, but GWPE > 10 Joule/kg, though a clear V$_0$ peak is observed, a wave-like structure is also seen. We, therefore, surmise that, though the gravity wave can not produce a V$_0$ layer, it plays an important role in defining the structure of the layer.
[1] Pätzold, M., Tellmann, S., Häusler, B., Bird, M. K., Tyler, G. L., Christou, A. A., & Withers, P. (2009). A sporadic layer in the Venus lower ionosphere of meteoric origin. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(5), L05203.
[2] Tripathi, K.R., Choudhary, R.K., Ambili, K.M., Imamura, T. and Ando, H., 2022. Characteristic Features of V0 Layer in the Venus Ionosphere as Observed by the Akatsuki Orbiter: Evidence for Its Presence During the Local Noon and Post‐Sunset Conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(7), p.e2022GL097824.
[3] Gérard, J.-C., Bougher, S. W., López-Valverde, M. A., Pätzold, M., Drossart, P., & Piccioni, G. (2017). Aeronomy of the Venus upper atmosphere. Space Science Reviews, 212(3), 1617–1683. | 13 | ESA's Distributed Space weather Sensor System (D3S) | Heil, M et al. | Poster | | Melanie Heil, Juha-Pekka Luntama, Stefan Kraft, Alexi Glover | | European Space Agency | | ESA’s Space Safety Programme is aiming to detect, predict and assess threats from space and their potential risk to life, property and infrastructure. The Space Weather Office in the Space Safety Programme is addressing those risks associated to the activity of our Sun with the goal of providing owners and operators of critical spaceborne and ground-based infrastructure timely and accurate information that will enable mitigation of the adverse impacts of space weather.
ESA’s Space Weather Office is responsible for defining and implementing European space based observation systems to enable operational space weather services. Due to the asymmetry and complexity of Earth's magnetosphere, the involved particle environment and its dynamics, it is necessary to capture the state of the magnetic field and the particle distribution in a sufficiently large number of sampling points around the Earth, such that it allows state-monitoring and modelling of the involved processes with sufficient accuracy and timeliness.
ESA is implementing an enhanced space weather monitoring system, including the Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S) to observe the effects of solar activity within Earth's vicinity. An important aspect for the realisation of observation systems for Space Safety is the need of high reliability, sufficiently long lifetime and low data latencies as the data will be used for operational purposes. Two precursor hosted payload missions of D3S have been realised with a radiation monitor and a magnetometer flying on two different GEO satellites providing near-real time information on current space weather conditions. Serval additional hosted payload flight are in preparation with additional radiation monitors flying on GEO missions in 2022 and missions planned for the lunar environment in 2024/25. In addition to hosted payload missions ESA is studying options for dedicated small satellite constellations. The current status and short- to medium-term plans for D3S will be presented. | 14 | Filament database at Kanzelhöhe Observatory | Pötzi, W et al. | Poster | | Pötzi Werner, Veronig Astrid | | Kanzelhöhe Observatory, University of Graz Austria | | In the framework of the Space Situational Awareness program of the European Space Agency (ESA/SSA), an automatic flare and filament detection system was developed at Kanzelhöhe Observatory (KSO) and is in operation since 2013. The filament data is processed every hour and information about each detected filament is stored in a database and interactive web pages showing this information are generated. For each filament in the database we store the heliographic and pixel location, the area in microhemispheres, the length in arcsec, the number of branches and the preceding and following filament database index. Based on this database filaments can be tracked and an automatic filament eruption detection is in preparation. | 15 | PROBA2: more than a decade of Sun-monitoring | Dominique, M et al. | Poster | | Marie Dominique [1], Elke D'Huys [1], David Berghmans [1], Laurence Wauters [1], Jenny O'Hara [1], Dana Talpeanu [1], Ingolf E. Dammasch [1] | | [1] Royal Observatory of Belgium/STCE | | The PROBA2 microsat from ESA was launched end of 2009, with two instruments dedicated to solar observation onboard. Those instruments, respectively the EUV telescope SWAP and the UV-EUV radiometer LYRA benefit from the favourable orbit of the spacecraft to get quasi-uninterrupted observations of the Sun. Moreover, the frequent contacts with the ground stations (~8 per day) make those data an important asset for nowcasting solar activity. Despite the longevity of the mission, the ageing effects did not strongly affect the space-weather oriented observations, and SWAP and LYRA data are therefore still used by international space weather centers such as ESA’s Space Weather Coordination Centre (SSCC). We present the PROBA2 data products and discuss their interest for the space-weather community. | 16 | The latest developments of the SWFO program and planned products | Biesecker, D et al. | Poster | | Douglas Biesecker [1], Mark Miesch [2] | | [1] NOAA/NESDIS/OPPA, [2] NOAA/NWS/SWPC | | The NOAA Space Weather Follow On (SWFO) mission will ensure critical operational space weather measurements of coronal mass ejections and solar wind continue to be available. The SWFO-L1 spacecraft will launch as a ride-share with the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), with both spacecraft going to L1. Together, these will provide the first operational coronagraph imagery, suprathermal ion and electron data, and experimental high energy electrons and solar wind composition data available in near-real-time, in addition to continuing the history of operational L1 magnetic field and thermal plasma data. This will ensure the continuity of existing operational products, but enable new operational and experimental products. We will present an update on the status of the SWFO Program space flight and ground segment development as well as present an overview of the existing products and a preliminary list of new products being envisioned for deployment in 2025, when SWFO-L1 and IMAP launch and beyond. Topics covered include coronagraph image processing, robust averaging of time series, solar wind regime classification, and geomagnetic storm warnings based on energetic ion enhancements. | 17 | Multi-scale response of the high-latitude topside ionosphere to geospace forcing | Spogli, L et al. | Poster | | Luca Spogli [1][3], Jaroslav Urbar [1][2], Antonio Cicone [1][4][5], Lasse B. N. Clausen [6], Yaqi Jin [6], Alan G. Wood [7], Lucilla Alfonsi [1], Claudio Cesaroni [1], Daria Kotova [6], Per Høeg [6], Wojciech J. Miloch [6] | | [1]Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy [2]Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic [3]SpacEarth Technology, Italy [4]DISIM University of L’Aquila, Italy [5]Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, INAF, Italy [6]University of Oslo, Norway [7]Space Environment and Radio Engineering Group (SERENE), University of Birmingham, UK | | We investigate the response of the topside ionosphere, auroral and polar sectors, to the forcing of the geospace during September 2017. Specifically, we aim at characterizing such a response in terms of the involved spatial scales and of their intensification during the different auroral and polar cap activity conditions experienced in the selected month, that is characterized by severe geomagnetic storm conditions. For our purposes, we leverage on and compare various in situ plasma density data products provided by the Swarm constellation of the European Space Agency (ESA). The spatio-temporal variability of the involved scales in the plasma density observation is featured through the application of the Fast Iterative Filtering (FIF) signal decomposition technique and, for the first time in the ionospheric field, of a FIF-derived dynamical spectrum called “IMFogram”. The instantaneous time-frequency representation provided through the IMFogram illustrates the time development of the multi-scale processes with spatial and temporal resolutions higher than those obtained with traditional signal processing techniques. To demonstrate this, the IMFogram is tested against Fast Fourier and Continuous Wavelet Transforms. With our fine characterization, we highlight how scale cascading and intensification processes in the plasma density observations follow the ionospheric currents activity, as depicted through the auroral activity and polar cap indices, and through the field-aligned currents data product provided by Swarm. This work is performed in the framework of the Swarm Variability of Ionospheric Plasma (Swarm-VIP) project, funded by ESA in the “Swarm+4D-Ionosphere” framework (ESA Contract No. 4000130562/20/I-DT). | 18 | How can SOSPIM contribute to the monitoring of thermospheric densities and their fluctuations with solar activity? | Dominique, M et al. | Poster | | Marie Dominique [1], Edward Thiemann [2], Thomas Berger [3], Andrea Alberti [4], David Berghmans [1], Samuel Gissot [1], Hirohisa Hara [5], Louise K Harra [4], Shinsuke Imada [6], Silvio Koller [4], Leandro Meier [4], Daniel Pfiffner [4], Toshifumi Shimizu [7], Daniel Tye [4] and Kyoko Watanabe [8] | | [1] Royal Observatory of Belgium/STCE, Brussels, Belgium [2] Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA [3] Space Weather Technology Research and Education Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA [4] Physikalisch-Meteorologische Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center, Davos, Switzerland, [5] National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, [6] Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, [7] JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, Japan, [8] National Defense Academy of Japan, Yokosuka, Japan | | The solar spectral irradiance monitor SOSPIM will be part of the JAXA SOLAR C mission to be launched in late 2026. SOSPIM will observe the solar chromosphere and corona in the Lyman-alpha and EUV spectral ranges at high cadence. Similarly to its predecessor, the LYRA radiometer onboard PROBA2, SOSPIM will be in a Sun-synchronous orbit most likely oriented dawn-dusk and will therefore only experience occultations during a limited period of the year. However, during this period, the amount of extinction of the solar emission by the Earth atmosphere will permit to retrieve information about the temperature and number density distribution of a few thermospheric constituents, such as O and N2.
Such measurements, even if only available in limited regions and time periods are a valuable asset to validate Ionosphere/Thermosphere model predictions. Considering that thermospheric densities and their fluctuations with solar variability drive the satellite drag in LEO orbits, we actually need more similar measurements. As an example, the lack of such observations and our limited understanding of solar influence on the thermospheric environment led to the loss of 38 Starlink satellites in a launch of 49 on February 3 2022, during back-to-back G1 geomagnetic storms.
In this poster, we review the principle of occultation measurements and show how SOSPIM can contribute to the topic. | 19 | Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI, a new generation EUV imager and potential for Space Weather | Zhukov, A et al. | Poster | | Andrei Zhukov and the EUI consortium | | | | Solar Orbiter is an ESA/NASA science mission. It has a complex orbital trajectory and is therefore not ideally suited for routine space weather monitoring.
The Full Sun Imager onboard Solar Orbiter is a novel design EUV imager with a very wide field of view, and an optional occulter. As such, FSI is blurring the boundaries between classical on disk EUV imaging and imaging of the outer corona with coronagraphs. We will highlight a few exemplary observations, including from times when FSI observed from the L5 perspective, and illustrate the potential of such instrument for monitoring purposes. |