Session OF - Space Weather Forum-Observation Forum

The Programme Committee

This is a special poster session devoted to the theme of ESWW 2022, “the importance of comprehensive space-weather monitoring”. The theme Observation Forum comprises posters and elevator talks on the middle day of the conference (Wednesday 26th October). These presentations focus on current and new observation platforms and instruments for monitoring space weather either from the ground or in space. Poster presenters in the Observation Forum will give a 3-minute elevator talk about their poster. This will be given in front of their poster and using the screen next to their poster in the poster hall. These elevator talks will be given one at a time.

Onsite chairs: Piers Jiggens and Stefan Kraft
Display time: Wednesday 14:00-20:00
Authors in attendance Time: Wednesday 17:00-20:00

Poster Viewing
Wednesday October 26, 14:00 - 20:00, Poster Area

Wednesday October 26, 17:15 - 18:05, Poster Area

Click here to toggle abstract display in the schedule

Talks : Time schedule

Wednesday October 26, 17:15 - 18:05, Poster Area
17:15ESA's Distributed Space weather Sensor System (D3S)Heil, M et al.Poster
17:20SURROUND, A constellation of CubeSats around the SunCanizares, L et al.Poster
17:25Plasmasphere Monitoring for Space Weather Impact Prediction (PM4SWIP)Berdermann, J et al.Poster
17:30Space Environment & Effects Satellite (SE&ES) Mission Concept Feasibility StudyJiggens, P et al.Poster
17:35The latest developments of the SWFO program and planned productsBiesecker, D et al.Poster
17:40The INGV eSWua network: observing the ionosphere from ground-based infrastructuresPica, E et al.Poster
17:45Filament database at Kanzelhöhe ObservatoryPötzi, W et al.Poster
17:50Multi-scale response of the high-latitude topside ionosphere to geospace forcingSpogli, L et al.Poster
17:55Four years of data for the DLR RAMIS measurements in LEO Matthiae, D et al.Poster
18:00PROBA2: more than a decade of Sun-monitoringDominique, M et al.Poster


1Four years of data for the DLR RAMIS measurements in LEO Matthiae, D et al.Poster
2DOSTEL measurements in COLUMBUS within the DOSIS/DOSIS3D projectsMatthiae, D et al.Poster
3The INGV eSWua network: observing the ionosphere from ground-based infrastructuresPica, E et al.Poster
4Small satellite mission for Aurora Oval MonitoringAlemán, F et al.Poster
5Potential observations from nanosatellites in ESA’s D3S programmeForsyth, C et al.Poster
6HENON: HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNceMarcucci, M et al.Poster
7Space Environment & Effects Satellite (SE&ES) Mission Concept Feasibility StudyJiggens, P et al.Poster
8Closing the gap: reducing inter-observatory distance to <300 km across the UK and IrelandBeggan, C et al.Poster
9SURROUND, A constellation of CubeSats around the SunCanizares, L et al.Poster
10New Capabilities of the Revamped Catania Solar TelescopeRomano, P et al.Poster
11Plasmasphere Monitoring for Space Weather Impact Prediction (PM4SWIP)Berdermann, J et al.Poster
12Gravity Wave effects on the V0 layer in the Venus ionosphere Tripathi, K et al.Poster
13ESA's Distributed Space weather Sensor System (D3S)Heil, M et al.Poster
14Filament database at Kanzelhöhe ObservatoryPötzi, W et al.Poster
15PROBA2: more than a decade of Sun-monitoringDominique, M et al.Poster
16The latest developments of the SWFO program and planned productsBiesecker, D et al.Poster
17Multi-scale response of the high-latitude topside ionosphere to geospace forcingSpogli, L et al.Poster
18How can SOSPIM contribute to the monitoring of thermospheric densities and their fluctuations with solar activity?Dominique, M et al.Poster
19Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI, a new generation EUV imager and potential for Space WeatherZhukov, A et al.Poster